Dotnet Days: OAuth – The good Parts

  .NET Framework

OAuth – The good Parts

OAuth has been around for more than 10 years now, and has become the standard protocol for token-based security. Like every popular technology that has been growing with its requirements, there are some things which work really well, and some that did not quite stand the test of time. This talk looks at the essentials you should know about, if you would enter the OAuth ecosystem today. Which protocol flows and extensions should you study, which "dialects" like OpenID Connect are important, and if you decide to dive deeper, what would that "recommended reading" list look like?

The session will be delivered by Dominick Baier, co-creator of IdentityServer, IdentityModel and PolicyServer.

Presentation will be in English.

The event is organized by Prague's IT and .NET communities, which have joined forces to organize events from the best professionals.

The event is available to everyone for free.

Online akce / Online event

Akce bude probíhat online prostřednictvím live-stream vysílání. Live-stream vysílání bude k dispozici na Dotnet Days CZ youtube kanálu. Během přednášky bude možné pokládat přenášejícímu dotazy pomoci chatu.

Po akci bude vystaven záznam přednášky.

Event will take place online via live-stream broadcast. Live stream will be available on Dotnet Days CZ youtube channel. During session it will be possible to ask questions to the speaker via chat.

Entire session recording will be available after the event.
