UX Monday: The Designer’s Journey across different time horizons


In a complex world that is getting more and more bonkers, designers face different challenges trying to create value and doing meaningful work. In their talk, Andreas Wegner and Thomas Küber, co-founders of the Berlin based critical design studio Futur2, will share learnings and anecdotes how to wrestle down design challenges of different complexity and how to stay relevant.

So welcome to June's UX Monday – an exclusive opportunity to delve deep into the world of user experience and user research. We've been going strong since June 2013!

  • Andreas Wegner: An award-winning designer, Andreas worked for 20 years in Los Angeles and Berlin for big, global brands. Trained as communication designer, former Head of Design at iconmobile, Andreas is an expert in connected devices, meaningful, data-enabled experiences. He is a jury member of the Webby and Anthem Awards and has a vivid interest in the future relationship between man and machine.
  • Thomas Küber: Started at Fraunhofer research, worked up and down the design industry in Europe, Asia and the US. Focus on helping corporations and communities to embed design strategies that enable not only economic growth but generate genuine value for real people.
  • Hosted by Petr Kosnar | Product Designer & University Lecturer

This event is OFFLINE and conducted in English, making it welcoming to expat friends. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network! *** Event Schedule:

  • 18:00 – Opening of the premises, refreshments, and networking
  • 18:30 – Talks begin
  • 20:00 – End of the program (+beer around the corner)

This event is open to everyone, and admission is voluntary. Payment can be made to the transparent account of the UX Association (account number: 2202638327/2010) or through a QR code on the spot.

Use Sli.do for your questions.
