September 2024 in Microsoft


Safe Deployment Practices: Theory and Application

How can DevOps teams release new features and updates to production with confidence and agility? One way is to adopt Safe Deployment Practices (SDP) that adjust the exposure of a release according to its proven performance. In this talk, we'll explore various SDP strategies, such as ring-based deployment, feature flags, and user opt-in. We'll also address common adoption challenges and demonstrate some of these practices on an example project. By the end of this talk, you'll have a better understanding of how to deliver high-quality and fast releases in production while minimizing the risk of disruptions to your users.

Author of the first talk is Mark Birger and the second talk is:

Building Reliable Systems from Unreliable Parts

Service-oriented architecture is a great architectural style, but it comes at a price. The more (micro)services you have, the more remote requests you'll have to send across them to have a working system. The more requests you make, the more failures you get. But don't panic yet! Even though you can't avoid failed requests, you **can** deal with them. In this talk we'll explore resiliency patterns that can improve Quality of Service and latency, and make customers happy (and managers, of course).

We'll cover some basic strategies such as Timeout, Retry, Fallback, and also more advanced ones such as Hedging, Circuit Breaker, Rate Limiting. We'll discuss how to combine mentioned strategies and will learn on examples why mindfully configuring your resiliency strategies is as important as having them.

From Dmitry Osipov
