Y Soft LeSS Meetup

After 1.5 years on the agile journey, we now have 13 self-managed teams and no managers or scrum masters. While we’re definitely not done with this, and there’re always things to improve, we’re ready to share our story on overcoming organization complexity, scaling product development with LeSS, and driving the agile transformation of nearly 100 members of R&D.

Aleš Neveselý, Head of YSoft SafeQ will be sharing an executive perspective on the LeSS transformation in Y Soft. Georgyi Zhytar (Agile Coach, Y Soft) and Mark de Kleijn Uijen (External Agile Consultant, Co-Learning) will be talking about lessons learned and sharing practical tips & tricks on facilitation of large events. Join us for online session, learn about our journey, get to know us better and discuss with others about your challenges with agile development.


Y Soft LeSS Meetup will only take place online. We will provide a link to the webinar to registered participants a few days before the date of the event.

The number of participants is not limited.
