.NET Community Afternoon [ENG.]

  .NET Core   ASP.NET Core

Come and meet .NET team members. Talks will be in English. Event will be live-streamed and recorded (find more details here on the day of the event).

12:00-12:30 - Tomas Rylek - Deployment options and optimizations in .NET Core
12:30-13:00 - Jan Vorlicek - Unloadability in .NET Core 3.0
13:00-13:30 - Vit Karas - .NET Core 3 and AppDomains
13:30-13:45 - Break
13:45-14:15 - Tomas Herceg - Moving ASP.NET Web Forms app to .NET Core 3.0 without rewriting everything
14:15-15:15 - Karel Zikmund - Async demystified (not live-streamed)
15:15-15:30 - Break
15:30-16:00 - Panel Discussion / Q&A (not live-streamed)

Talks and speakers info:

Tomas Rylek - Deployment options and optimizations in .NET Core
CPAOT (modernizing the CoreCLR AOT compiler, new scenarios); Single-executable mode (current status = self-extractor; longer term plans – real 1 executable); Optimizations (tier jitting, larger version bubbles).
7 years in Microsoft. Works on “Crossgen v2” (CPAOT). Previously worked on test infrastructure, .NET Native toolchain, Midori (ARM, bootloader, domain kernel, networking, debugger).

Jan Vorlicek - Unloadability in .NET Core 3.0
Ability to unload assemblies is one of the highly demanded features added in .NET Core 3.0. This talk will focus on how it works, how to use it, what are the possible pitfalls and how to debug and troubleshoot them.
12 years in Microsoft. Engineer on the CoreCLR team (everything Unix related – PAL, exception handling, low level runtime features). Also working on .NET Native and CoreRT. Previously worked on Midori (process scheduler, microkernel) and even earlier on online ads scheduling servers.

Vit Karas - .NET Core 3 and AppDomains
Why we didn't bring AppDomains along to .NET Core? What .NET Core 3 provides to replace AppDomains? Which technologies we don't plan to replace and what to do about them?
14 years in Microsoft. Works on CoreCLR (mostly application model). Previously worked on .NET Native toolchain, XML, OData and Power BI.

Tomas Herceg - Moving ASP.NET Web Forms app to .NET Core 3.0 without rewriting everything
.NET Core 3.0 doesn’t support ASP.NET Web Forms, but there is a way of migrating these applications to .NET Core using DotVVM, an open source framework that is member of the .NET Foundation.
You’ll see a demo of modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms application which uses Entity Framework 6 and other legacy features of the old ASP.NET.
At the end of the session, the application will be running on .NET Core 3.0, and we will modify only the frontend parts of the application – the business logic will remain unchanged.
Tomas is running a software company called RIGANTI focused on custom software development, consulting and solution architecture services.
He is a founder of DotVVM, an open-source framework which simplifies creating line of business web applications and makes it easier for any .NET developer.
Tomas was awarded with Microsoft Most Valuable Professional and Microsoft Regional Director for his influence in technical communities, public speaking and publishing of technical articles. You can meet him at various tech events in the Czech Republic and other countries, speaking about web development, .NET Framework, software architecture, cloud and related topics.
He spends a lot of time helping other companies with difficult technical decisions, such as cloud migration, microservices architecture, Domain Driven Design, modernizing of legacy applications or choosing the right technologies and approaches.

Karel Zikmund - Async demystified (talk will not be live-streamed)
