.NET Meetup with Maoni Stephens [ENG.]

  .NET Core

In cooperation with Microsoft we prepared for us meetup with peoples from .NET Core team.

Talk details:
Maoni will talk about what’s new in .Net core 3.0 GC. While talking about the new features she will be explaining some of the relevant technical details of the GC along the way such as:
* How the heap lock is taken for the GC heap
* How the GC behaves in high memory situation
* How Server GC selects heaps to allocate on
She will also talk about future directions that GC takes.

18:30-19:30 - Maoni Stephens - GC in .NET Core 3.0 and beyond
19:45-20:30 - .NET Core Panel Discussion with Maoni Stephens and Karel Zikmund
