DTSE CZ Hackathon - Text mining and Machine learning!

  Big Data   Machine learning

Are you a developer or passionate about Data mining, machine learning and NLP? Then, join the DTSE CZ Hackathon!  
This competition is also a networking event to connect and engage people around with a common purpose. Students and Graduates will have the chance to exchange with our Managing Director and professionals, already working in this field of technology.

Over the weekend, participants will be organized into small teams, get closer to the technological requirements, and show their skills by completing 3 different challenges and design the future!

Challenge 1 - Text Classifier: Build an NLP learner model that is able to classify MS Word documents based on their contents such as meeting minutes, technical design or change requests.
Challenge 2 - Natural Language Processing and Data Mining: Build a ranking of the most used, custom-built SAP programs that are documented in the Technical Designs.
Challenge 3 - Credit Forecast: Predict the impact of lowering the rejection rate for mobile customers on the amount of fraud for the EU  national companies.

Besides the tasks and competition, you will learn first-hand how our data scientists at DTSE work, how they feel, what they tackle every day and what’s our motivation for a career at DTSE. 

The Hackathon is taking place at Deutsche Telekom Services Europe office, in Holandská 859/3, 639 00, Brno, Czech Republic 
Bring your laptop and your passion! Coffee and snacks are available for you throughout the day!  Get the chance to be rewarded and win an Internship with us!
