February DevOps Meetup


Two speakers: Pavel Selement from Barclays and Robert Selvek from Ataccama

Writing a Terraform Provider
by Robert Selvek from Attacama

While it often seems that engineers use Terraform to manage just about everything, there are still a number of services and tools that don’t yet have a Terraform provider. Join this session with Ataccama DevOps Engineer Robert Selvek for a closer look at an API that can be used to extend Terraform for other providers, and enjoy a demo of how Ataccama uses it to deploy both local and cloud VMs using Foreman.

What is DevOps?
by Pavel Selement

Most of the people in the industry already at least heard about DevOps. Most of you probably know what it is. But do you really know? Is it something for you? Is it a temporary curiosity? Let‘s start the year with a review of what this is about…
